Top 5 Picks for Baby #2

Thank you so much BabyList for sponsoring this post, all opinions are my own.

When I found out we were pregnant with this sweet little boy, I not only knew what I wanted, but I knew what we needed the second time around. With Reaghan, I searched all the blogs for helpful lists of registry items (which there are many helpful ones!) and also asked a lot of mama friends for their thoughts as well. I ended up with the basics of what we felt we needed, but as I grew to know what I liked as a mama, and what products would make my life more simple, I started taking mental notes for our second.

This time around, I've decided to register on BabyList because the things I need aren't all at Target or Babies R Us! I had some very specific items in mind ranging from Ikea to independent online shops. Plus, using BabyList simplifies the whole process for me because I can easily add items to my registry using their app and can also rely on everything being in one place, rather than dealing with three different stores and their differing policies.

There are some items that I feel are pretty universal for second babies - for example, everyone I know pretty much gets a double stroller for their second, extra breastfeeding supplies, etc. But I wanted to share with you some lesser known items that I feel will really make my (and your!) time as a mama of two that much smoother.


  1. Hands Free Breast Pump Bra - With my first, it would annoy me beyond belief that I couldn't get things done while pumping. It was a dreaded 30-40 minutes sitting at the kitchen table pumping away. I'm not pretending I'll whip up dinner or do a load of laundry while pumping, but being hands free to be able to take care of my toddler, get a little work done for the blog or read a good book would be wonderful! As a busy mama, this is at the top of my list of must haves for baby #2.
  2. House Cleaning - The genius thing about BabyList is that they not only let you add items from ANY store, but they also provide "help + favors" like used baby clothes, meals and house cleaning. I added house cleaning to my list because let's face it, after you already have an active child, who has time to deep clean and make sure all the cob webs and dust bunnies are wiped away before a little person with a fragile immune system comes home with you? Not me.
  3. Emily Ley Little One's Day Notepad - I tried using an app to track feedings and wet/dirty diapers with Reaghan but that took over my phone memory pretty quickly. Then I moved on to scrap paper. Let me just say, it's not so nice to be fumbling through random pieces of paper when your life is already so raw and disorganized in that familiar newborn fog. I love these notepads because it's one cute and simple place to write it all down, and I can just keep it right next to my rocking chair.
  4. Beaba Freezer Trays - I'm hoping we can do baby led weaning this time (a lot less work!) but on the off chance that this babe is like my first, and will only eat purées for a few months, I'll at least have a safe and durable way to store them. I used ice cube trays last time and they cracked and were really messy for me! Plus I feel like I'll definitely use this past baby for things like broth, extra coconut milk, applesauce, etc.
  5. Large laundry hamper with handles - double the kids, double the laundry....enough said.

So, you can see I've kept it really simple! I have intentionally kept this registry small because 1) we really don't need much since it's our second, and 2) we want to keep our lives as simple as possible. If you're curious and want to check out the rest of my registry for baby #2, you can find it here. I know I love looking at registries for ideas!

What are your must haves for baby, whether it's your first, second, or beyond?