My 2017 Goals

It's been so good to get off Instagram and just be still this past week. I've gotten a lot of time in the Word and reading meaningful books, and it's been so refreshing. It's been nice to read in the margins of my day rather than checking Instagram. I love Instagram so much, but I need to develop some real boundaries for it or it starts to take over my day. I know some of you can relate. 

I love this quote from my PowerSheets (goal setting planner) sums up the reason for goal setting perfectly:  

While I was away, I planned out my goals for 2017. I'm a goals girl. If you have been reading the blog for a while or following me on social media, you know I am action-oriented and love to plan (hello, I created a meal planner ;)). It helps me so much to start the year with some hopes and dreams, and with a plan for how to live. It's not rigid, just helps me put into practice what I already want to be true of my life. 

I've included my WHY behind each goal + a few action steps I'm taking. Part of my action steps for each goal is to read a couple books, but I will save that for another post. 

1. Steward our money well and live free from financial stress

I have noticed since moving to our new home just how discontent my heart can be. I think this was stifled a bit in our old home because it was so far from what I wanted aesthetically. Since we were renting, I just accepted it and moved on. It wasn't until I knew we could do better that I started becoming discontent (yuck). I have really skewed the line between "want" and "need" this past year and I want that to change. Jordan and I really want to be on the same page, steward our money well, be able to save for our big life goals, and give abundantly. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Look at our Mint app before spending anything (I'm going to try this for 30 days and see how it goes)
  • Update Mint app after spending anything
  • Use the Everyday Money Workbook
  • Monthly budget meeting with Jordan

2. Record my Dad's legacy

This is a tough one, but one that is so essential to me. My dad is in his 80's, and not in the best of health. I feel a deep sense of urgency to record his legacy and take all of his stories, life lessons, recipes, and heirlooms and keep them organized. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Go through all of his physical heirlooms and organize
  • Schedule a couple days a month to record stories using the Story Corps app
  • Plan an outline for what to record on Story Corps (what stories to tell, etc.)
  • Check Nancy Ray's blog for legacy resources

3. Grow in being emotionally and physically whole

There's a reason I didn't use the word "healthy." I do want to be healthy, but more than that I want to be whole. 2016 was a doozy emotionally and physically. I gave birth to our second child, have been breastfeeding, have suffered from crippling PPD, gone through counseling, and gotten on medication for PPD. This is something I haven't shared anywhere online, and I'm not totally ready to share fully about it. It is my reality though so I am moving forward and believing God can heal.

In regards to the physical, I haven't lost any baby weight, and I have had lots of weird sicknesses all year. This is probably the goal that feels the heaviest. It's something only God can do. This year I want to reclaim and take ownership of my health for God's glory. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Regular meetings with my counselor
  • Wean off medicine - replace with exercise
  • Exercise 30 minutes a day
  • Complete 3 Mommy Fit challenges 

4. Ease into the rhythmic way of life God has designed in the seasons

Over the last 3 years or so, I have fallen in love with the idea of seasons. There seem to be universal shifts in our schedules and hearts with each season, and I know that was an intentional design by God. Our foods change, weather changes, music changes, family routines change, etc. I want to explore what this looks like and as noted in my goal, ease into implementing changes to how we live based on what I learn. Part of this will also be exploring the liturgical year. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Make master document of all traditions for each holiday
  • Review Sacred Ordinary Days Essentials Workbook
  • Add liturgical seasons to planner 

5. Grow roots down into friendships

Last year my friendship goal was to grow in vulnerability. I think I made some really good progress there, and this year I want to go a lot deeper in my friendships. Share the ugly sin, be bold, not live in fear. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Keep a list on my phone of deeper topics to discuss with friends to make conversations more than mommy drama 
  • Add notes on how to best love friends under their contact info on my phone
  • Share my ugly sin (not just the socially acceptable sin)
  • Continue seeing a friend at least twice a week

6. Grasp grace in parenting and help my children love and cherish the Gospel

My biggest struggle in parenting is applying the gospel to discipline and showing my kids grace. I've always lived with very high standards for myself, and therefore others, and it has taken it's toll on my kids. It's heartbreaking for me to admit that, but obviously it's something I want to change. I want to soak in how grace applies to my parenting and give that out to my kids. I want my kids (but especially Reaghan since she is 3 years old) to know how to the gospel abundantly and completely meets them in the midst of their sin and in mommy and daddy's as well. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Create a vision for our kids with Jordan - need resources for this
  • Pray out loud often with kids
  • Confess sin to kids, ask for forgiveness 

7. Sink deep into the mission of Natasha Red and grow my business

This verse has been so convicting and refreshing for me lately:

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. 

Galatians 6:4-5 (MSG)

My business is not owned by me, but by God. He has a purpose for it and it is my responsibility to uncover that purpose and be faithful to share it with the world. I am called to pray for my business, really take things slow and grow something meaningful that will both help women and honor Him. I'm not to look to the right or left and compare myself to what others are doing. To take notes from others on how to run my business, but to ultimately look to God for my business direction. This is so hard, being alone in this business (well Jordan is there for me, but it's basically just me working on this thing). Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Work through goal setting sheets form The Shop Files 
  • Create a Pinterest plan for my business 
  • Keep learning from Story Brand
  • Re-set weekly work hours
  • Time block work tasks for each work day

8. Design a life giving, simple, practical, and God honoring meal planner

Each of these words are intentional! It's my hope for the meal planners. Life giving - that they would be easy to use, fun to work through the devotionals, and a great resource for making both cooking + hospitality happen. I want women to look forward to filling out their meal planner, not dread planning their meals. Simple - I want the design to be easy to follow and clear. Not crowded, but easy on the eyes and beautiful to look at. I don't want it to be overwhelming, but make meal planning fun and simple for women. Practical - I want women to feel equipped, like they have the information they need to move forward with cooking simply and extending hospitality. God honoring - above all, I want God to inspire every inch of this new journal. I've learned so much from designing this past journal, and I don't want to rush anything just to get it out there. I don't need it to be perfect, but I want to go slow so I can listen to God along the way. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Take a Skill Share class on InDesign 
  • Meet with Erin to discuss InDesign
  • Pray before each design session
  • Work on it weekly
  • Purchase my fonts and graphics
  • Have it edited for content + biblical integrity
  • Host a local focus group for feedback before printing 

9. Grow in my prayer life + reliance on the Lord

It has become abundantly clear to me that I need Jesus all day and that He is my only source of nourishment. I don't pray as often as I should, and usually struggle with finding the words to pray when I do. I want to go to Scripture as my rest, not media. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

  • Finish my "war room"
  • No TV on weekday nights (we already do this)
  • Set reminder on my phone to read scripture morning, at noon and before bed

10. Grow in oneness in marriage

We grew a lot in our marriage last year, and I want to go deeper into that. Here are just a few action steps I'm taking:

If some of my action steps seem a little incomplete, it's because I've included books in each category. Reading is a big way for me to learn and I anticipate a lot of personal change from just implementing what I learn from books. 

Tomorrow I'll be sharing the 25 books I'll be pairing with each of these goals! Then on Wednesday I'll share my word for the year :) 

Do you set goals? I'd love to hear about them. Share in the comments or leave a link to a post on goals so I can read! :)