June Goals

Better late than never! I honestly feel like I've been running pretty hard for the past 6 months. With so many life events - weddings, baby showers, and starting a business, we've had a full calendar. This month I'm intentionally keeping it light and making my goal list small. But first, let's look at May -

Shoot book cover - Nope! Didn't happen.

Finalize book edits - No, almost done!

Read Woman of the Word and Beyond Ordinary - Read Woman of the Word and it was really helpful! I'm looking forward to implementing how she suggests to study the Bible...haven't finished Beyond Ordinary but about half way and loving it. It's a marriage book!

Develop business content plan - I spent a good deal of time figuring out what kind of content I want to put out there for you and am super excited about it!

Plan + go on a date - Check, love that we're making this a more regular thing :)

Plan 1-2 Bible stories for neighborhood kids - well it rained pretty much every day, but we did get to have one story time at the end of the month which was encouraging. I've loved getting to know the kids who live in our neighborhood and loving on them.

Cook for fun - Yes, and I'm so glad I made this a priority.


June Goals:

  • Finish book edits and begin design process
  • Hand letter book titles
  • Work through Whitney English's Biz Designers Course
  • Set date to shoot book cover
  • Finish Beyond Ordinary
  • REST!

I'm keeping it low key this month and enjoying rest....what do you have planned this month?