Apple Spice Muffins

There's something about a warm muffin with a pat of fresh butter and a cup of hot tea in the morning. It's what greets me most mornings as I roll out of bed before the sun rises, searching for something to soothe my dry throat from the allergies that come along with Spring.

Apple Spice Muffins // Natasha Red Blog

For our family, these muffins are the perfect breakfast and snack, and usually last all of 24 hours.

They have a slight spice from cinnamon and all spice and the familiar sweetness of gala apples. I love the chunks of apple bites that keep the muffins moist but add a crunch as well. My 1 year old gobbles them up!

Apple Spice Muffins // Natasha Red Blog

Grab the recipe at My Cooking Spot today!

Apple Spice Muffins // Natasha Red Blog