March Goals

February was rough. Our whole family has been sick with sinus infections, the stomach bug, and more sickie congestion. I'm fairly certain I killed strep throat with natural remedies though, so I'm pretty pumped about that. I'm currently still sick, and wondering when my pride will give way to just biting the bullet and going to Care Now. All that to say, I honestly feel like the rhythmic month of January with it's room for margin yet space for productivity was replaced by anxiety, worry and striving in February.

I'm learning so much about boundaries, routine and keeping the priorities that matter MOST on the top of the "list" rather than the urgent, more felt needs taking over. I battled comparison and felt super directionless throughout most of the month. Being sick, it just felt like I was powering through to the end of each day, trying to recover while simultaneously trying to still meet all my goals AND take care of a baby AND be present with my husband AND invest in friendships. I was left feeling pretty beat up and NOT believing the good news that God has already accepted me because of His character, and not my own accomplishment.

I think I need to stop here and just give a reminder for why I share my goals. It's great accountability to publish something online, for sure, but I also hope to share practical steps to making hopes and dreams a reality by showing a glimpse at how I go about this. If you follow me on Instagram, then it could be really easy to think all these fun things just pop into place, but I want to be transparent and just say it's a struggle sometimes. It's not about checking things off a list, it's about living with purpose. In addition, I'm hopeful that seeing the rhythm of how I'm moving forward with goals in my life would help some of you think through your own goals. I utilize Lara Casey's PowerSheets to help me get to these goals each month, and would highly recommend them.

February Recap:

Build website for new site launch And here it is friends!! I'm so so thankful for all the texts, comments, shares and just overall excitement from everyone. Y'all make me giddy!

Get all products designed I'm not sure what I was even thinking making this a goal for Feb. I finished the rough draft of my eBook "31 Gatherings" which was a daily project that took the wind out of me. God was wringing my soul out over and over. So good, but so so exhausting, and probably the reason why I'm sick.

Shoot 7-10 recipes for the book Done, and so excited to have just a handful more to photograph.

Hang with one mama friend a week Here's where the frazzled part came in. I wasn't very intentional with friendships this month which made me more sad than anything. Friendships > To Do List.

Initiate creative ladies meet up So pumped to be meeting with these girls this month!

Write book content and send for edits Praise the Lord, I honestly didn't think this would happen, but it did. I'm so thankful and can't wait to refine my writing after my editor looks it over.



I also realized that I've been focusing on developing some weekly and daily routines into my life, but haven't shared them here. I think they'll be really helpful to share for accountability and hopefully to help others needing to cultivate some steady routines in their life.

Weekly Goals:

+ establish a sustainable Sunday routine to prep for the week ahead

+ spend one nap time resting and schedule it on the calendar (nap time is work time for mama, so this is huge for me)

+ social media free weekends (I've been doing this for a couple months now and LOVE it)

+ text one friend to encourage/pray for them

+ prayer at the beginning of each nap time before I dive into work

Daily Goals:

+ no phone 5-9

+ no work at night

+ connect with Jordan in conversation

+ daily calligraphy practice for 10 minutes

+ pause email at 5


That's it, y'all!! Do you need to establish some routines into your life? What does that look like for you? Would love to hear in the comments!


Goals with Grace