Good-bye Homemade Cleaning Products

Branch Basics generously sent me product as a gift to put to the test with my own family and I fell in love! Affiliate links are used within this post. This simply means that if you click to their website and make a purchase, I will get a small commission. This helps me continue to keep this little blog going and provide excellent content for you! All opinions are genuinely my own.

When Reaghan was born, my whole world changed. From what I thought about, what we brought inside our home, our outlook on health, to what we put inside and around our bodies. One of my goals last year was to switch out all our cleaning + personal care products with natural alternatives. I quickly threw out all my conventional cleaning supplies and created my own solutions from vinegar, baking soda and essential oils.

I felt good about our all purpose spray made with water, vinegar and lemon essential oil when it came to wiping down counter tops, but was left frustrated that it wasn't tough enough for harder to clean bathroom scum or the grime stuck to our floors from an (ahem) unnamed toddler.

I had been on the hunt for a few other natural alternatives for things like dish soap, dish washer detergent and laundry detergent. This is when I found Branch Basics. A friend of mine introduced me to them on Instagram and as I scrolled through their feed I was super impressed. They clearly took purity seriously and were on a mission to educate about safety and toxicity in the home. I quickly got lost in their blog, reading about chemicals in dryer sheets, the dangers in synthetic fragrances and home air purity.

Here's where the page turned for me:

Did you know that vinegar can actually be harmful? From the BB FAQ Page:

WHAT?! Okay, I don't know about you, but I want an all purpose spray that is safe enough to wipe Rae's high chair down with while she's still sitting in it without fear of her breathing being impaired. No wonder I felt a little sinus funk after I had my house cleaned top to bottom with our vinegar based homemade cleaners. I was shocked. At that point Branch Basics became that much more appealing. Not to mention the fact that they claim to replace all soap in your home from body to kitchen to even your dumpster. One soap to replace practically all my cleaning needs? Saving money, time and brain space to make life more simple? Yes please.


Here's a quick list of how we've used our Branch Basics soap so far:

  • laundry detergent
  • streak free cleaner
  • bathroom cleaner
  • stain remover
  • all purpose spray
  • dish soap
  • shampoo
  • baby wash
  • face wash/makeup remover
  • vegetable wash
  • dish washer detergent

Branch Basics just came out with their new branding, along with a more concentrated formula. The soap is made to be diluted for many different uses, making it last and last.

As a mom, it makes a big difference that there is no warning label on the packaging. I feel so confident using this product around my home and near Reaghan. I'm never fearful that she might accidentally spill some and get a burn, or that if a little gets in her mouth (toddlers are crazy) that we will need to call poison control. Their soap is made of 100% food-based ingredients.

We've had such great success so far and are continuing to put it to use in new ways. They have an extensive User Guide on their website with all the many ways to utilize this soap.

BB has made my once incredibly dingy and smelly kitchen cleaning towels soft and fresh. BB cleaned up all the gunk stuck on our tile floors for months (yuck!) under Reaghan's high chair. BB brought the natural curl back to my hair after years of straight and frizzy. BB makes our dishes sparkly after the dishwasher without any shine aid added. I could go on!


I love love love this company and want to support them not only because they have created a product that works and I feel completely safe around, but because they are local to Texas! They are based in the Austin area and are just the sweetest people.

I would love for you to try their product!

branch basics has generously offered a 25% discount to all Natasha red blog readers on your first order when you use the code PURE25

Can't wait for you to try this product! I challenge you to throw out all those homemade or "green" cleaners and switch to Branch Basics instead. What would you clean first with your BB?