Why Switching to Non Toxic Deodorant is So Important

Did you know that conventional deodorant has aluminum and synthetic fragrance in it? Aluminum can potentially clog pores and hinder the body’s natural detoxification process. Imagine swiping heavy metals and hormone disruptors on your sensitive under arm area, right next to key lymph nodes and breast tissue? Over time, this can have a very harmful affect on our health. Did you know that around 70% of breast cancer diagnoses are environmentally triggered these days? The environment we live in, and what we put on our bodies matter — and heavy metals and synthetic fragrance should not be a part of it.

There are over 85,000 synthetic chemicals on the market today, from preservatives in our lipstick to flame retardants in our sofas, from plasticizers in our water bottles to pesticides on our fruits and vegetables.

The U.S. government has no adequate chemical regulation policy, which allows companies to manufacture and use chemicals without ever establishing their safety in humans. As the use of chemicals has risen in the U.S. and other industrialized countries, so have rates of breast and other cancers.*

This is why Beautycounter has taken matters into their own hands and have upped the research and testing ten-fold to ensure that every product that goes out into the marketplace is SAFE for human health. Please read this post and this post for more details on Beautycounter’s above and beyond safety standards.

Why do we sweat?

Here’s the thing: our bodies need to sweat. It’s part of our natural detoxification process, helping to remove heavy metals and harmful BPAs from the body. It’s also a way for the body to regulate temperature. To block this detox pathway to is to keep toxins inside the body and that is not what we want!

Antiperspirants vs. Deodorant

Antiperspirants are typically made with aluminum, which works to stop odor by plugging sweat glands and preventing sweating. Deodorants don’t prevent sweating, but work to neutralize body odor and absorb sweat.

My Choice

I have not run the gamut like many of you, but I have tried my fair share of deodorants over the years, and the Clean Deo from Beautycounter takes the cake. This long-lasting, hardworking deodorant neutralizes odor and absorbs sweat to keep you feeling fresh all day, every day. It is made without aluminum, so no heavy metals! I think it is actually really smooth and conditioning too.

Plus, these deo’s are refillable — making them more sustainable for the planet and your wallet.

My favorite scents are Fresh Coconut and Soft Lavender — very subtle. My husband likes the coconut!

Switching Over

When you go clean, you need to sweat it out. It can take several weeks for your underarms to detox from the toxins that have been trapped in sweat ducts by antiperspirants, and you might experience a (temporary) odor and potentially a rash. This happened to me for several weeks when I first transitioned from conventional deodorant/antiperspirants to a clean option. To help speed the process along, I recommend using my favorite Charcoal Facial Mask on underarms once a week, and wash underarms daily with the Charcoal Cleansing Bar. The Charcoal in both of these products will help to absorb any excess heavy metals or ingredients clogged in your pores.

What about Baking Soda?

Many people struggle with baking soda in natural deodorants because it can irritate the skin quite a bit. I have spoken to many friends and clients who have run the gamut of natural deodorants for this reason. The baking soda in the Clean Deo is further down the list of ingredients, so it is not as prominent. Although many people who have previously reacted to baking soda are having a wonderful experience with the Clean Deo, if you have had previous reactions to baking soda, the Clean Deo may not be the product for you. If you have sensitive skin, I recommend a patch test on the inside of your wrist prior to full underarm application.

Fun facts about the Clean Deo

  • Glides on smoothly, leaves no white residue

  • Leaves skin feeling soft and smooth

  • Comes in a refillable case

  • By making The Clean Deo refillable, we reduced its water use, fossil fuel use, and greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 47%

Let me know if you have any questions about making the switch to natural deodorant!
