NR Holiday Gift Guide Series: For the Mama

When I think of gifts for a mom I think of all the comforting and calming things. Any way I can bring a little more peace to a moms life, that's where I'm at. I also think of meaningful tools to help fill up the well that so often is poured and poured and poured out with little to no reserves. 

Today is my 3rd post in my gift guide series, for the mama in your life. To see other guides in the series, scroll to the bottom of this post. 

The Intentional Gift Guide Series - Gifts for the Mama // Natasha Red

1. Tea

Never underestimate something as simple as hot tea. At the end of a long day, one thing that I love to do is unwind with a cup of comforting tea. A little self care at the end of a long parenting day goes such a long way. A hot shower, bath, a chapter of a good book, a cup of tea. Yogi's Calming tea is one I'm loving right now. GET IT HERE

2. The One Year Chronological Bible

What better gift to give to a mama than God's Word. The only true place of refreshment, rest and guidance. So often we point mom's to places that don't satisfy, and a deeper connection with Jesus will help her soul and her family's. After listening to a recent episode of the Jamie Ivey Happy Hour podcast, I feel like a chronological Bible is a great gift choice! I definitely want to start in the new year, reading the Bible in the order of events to get a deeper view than I ever have before. GET IT HERE

3. Essential Oil Diffuser

There are a few things that help me (and other mom's I know) get going for the day. Getting dressed (even if it's changing out of pj's into yoga pants and a loose top, as I usually do ;)), putting on some light makeup, having a tidy house, and diffusing some essential oils are just a few examples. My days start on a peaceful foot when Reaghan and I start off with hot tea, making breakfast together, diffusing some oils and listening to some worship music. GET IT HERE

4. The Story of God's Love for You

Along with digging into Scripture, I found this devotional helpful in the very early days after Everett was born. It was a thoughtful Christmas gift from my sister and brother in law last year and served my soul well in the wee hours of the morning with a newborn. The words are the same as the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Loyd Jones, but it is packaged in a more adult manner. This would be such a blessing as a shower gift as well. GET IT HERE

5. Cultivate What Matter's Powersheets

Most moms feel like they have lost a bit of themselves in the transition to motherhood. I think this is especially true after welcoming your first child to the family. Though this is a real and raw emotion, it doesn't hold truth. You haven't "lost" yourself, you are merely redefining who you are, your values and goals. One of the biggest blessings for a mom is to carve out some time to think through goals for herself, her family and her dreams. Becoming a mom doesn't mean we have to shut the door on all our dreams! The Powersheets are a grace filled goal setting workbook that has helped me set goals for every area of my life over the past 3 years. GET IT HERE

Want gift ideas from the rest of the series? Check out these other posts: