Natasha Red

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Inside my Summer Backpack

Summer is full of adventures for our family, and I'm sure yours as well! We are constantly the the park...long playdates...nature hikes...etc! Because of this I like to be well stocked and prepared for all that comes our way in the summer, from scraped knees, to wet clothes, to hydration and safety for my children.

Here's what's going in my summer backpack:

Sunscreen -- I like keeping this one in my bag because it absorbs super quickly to apply to my kiddos or myself, and yes I use it on our neck/shoulders/etc too, not just our face.

Genexa Allergy -- for the chance of a potential bee sting.

Snacks -- some favorites are cold Stoneyfield yogurt pouches, pretzels, dreid mango, and pistachios.

Extra water -- We always drink through our water bottles especially quick in the summer. Do you have a good way to keep water on hand without keeping plastic bottles in a hot car?? I'm still thinking over this one. Perhaps just a large glass mason jar! I can also fit some extra water in my backpack too.

Chalk + bubbles -- always a fun addition no matter where we adventure.

Change of clothes for each kid -- the chances of my kids getting muddy or wet in a creek is very high in the summer. I always keep a change of clothes for my kids for this reason!

First Aid Kit -- Scraped knees are on repeat in the summer. So are splinters, bee stings, and poison ivy. I keep a fully stocked emergency kit in my car that is velcro-ed to my visor panel so I can easily throw it into my back pack too.

Foaming Hand Soap -- after a full morning of playing, we usually want a snack or lunch on the go, so washing our hands is a must even if there's no bathroom nearby.

Child Safety -- I also give my kids each a fanny pack that they can keep their nature trinkets in, a snack, mini water bottle, and two special safety pieces -- a whistle and a laminated ID card with their names, and our address and phone number. These fanny packs are for big crowded places like a zoo or carnival. My kids know to find another mom and give them their ID card if they somehow get separated from me. I also keep a whistle on myself too to find each other if separated. This podcast has some really helpful tips.​

I also keep the following Earthley items in my summer backpack as well, as a holistic first aid kit. If you haven't downloaded their Summer Guide, it's packed with wonderful knowledge as you prep for a non toxic summer, from healthy sun exposure, bug spray recipes and how to avoid ticks, etc. I learned a lot! Items i

Pest Aside -- natural bug repellent that WORKS.

Black Drawing Salve -- I swear by this for all bug bites! It draws out what the insect puts into your body, calms down itchiness and swelling and promotes faster healing.

Sun Shield -- perfect for spending a limited amount of time in the sun, not SPF but nourishes the skin so you can absorb vitamin D.

Sun Soothe -- a really nice after sun or any time moisturizer for your body.

Arnica Salve -- Arnica is for sure in my summer bag for all the bumps and bruises on my kids!

Shop Earthley here and use code FIRSTTIME for 10% off

Do you keep a summer bag? If so, what's in it?? Anything I missed?

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