Natasha Red

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Living Whole: My Health Routine

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Weave Made Media® and Hyperbiotics, but all my opinions are my own. #weavemade #HealthiestDaysAhead”

In my quest for healthy and whole living this year, there have been three things that have made a world of difference: exercise, vitamins, and food choices. These three things have helped me wean off of my PPD medication, have more energy throughout the day, a stronger digestive system and more stable moods. 

First, let me start by explaining what I mean by "whole" living. Last year our family underwent some major life changes that hit all at once. My husband lost his job twice, we bought a house and moved, had a baby, and I was suffering from PPD. As the year came to a close and January approached, I felt a pull towards pursuing my health in a more whole way - mind, body, soul, spiritual, and emotional.

My word for this year is rooted and this seeps into every aspect of living - building a firm foundation of healthy living for myself and prioritizing that. It probably goes without saying, but this is an ongoing journey for me that has lots of ups and downs. Regardless, I wanted to share what's been working for me in hopes that it would get you thinking about your own health! 

This journey has taken many forms, but in the mental, emotional and physical aspect, there have been a few changes I've made that have been key in changing my overall health for the better. 


I have never been an exercise girl. In fact, I've always hated it! But something shifted in me this year when I committed to exercising for 30 minutes a day for a whole month. I was surprised at how much my body needed that movement and benefited from the endorphins. Now, if I go a few days without it I feel super sluggish, bloated and all around less happy. It's crazy!

In order to prioritize exercise into my day while still being able to run my business, blog and raise two kiddos at home, I wake up very early in the morning. I wake up with my alarm at 4:45 am, make myself some tea and a snack and read for about an hour. At 6 am I change into my work out clothes, lay out my yoga mat and turn on an exercise video on my laptop. I work out for 30 minutes, tops, then get myself ready for the day in the last 15 minutes or so before my kids wake up. 

There are so many days where I want to spend longer lounging in bed reading, or would rather stay up later at night (making it near impossible for me to wake up at this hour), but I have learned that sticking to my morning routine sets me up for success for the rest of the day. I can actually pinpoint other unhealthy choices throughout the day when I skip this simple step. It's like a domino affect - when one piece falls, they all fall. For me, I know that if I've invested in myself before I ever have to meet the needs of my family, then I am much more energized to take care of others throughout the day. 

This Andy Stanley quote sums it up perfectly:

"We don't drift into good directions. We discipline and prioritize ourselves there."

...and I'll add, with grace ;) 


I have many different vitamins I like to take on a daily basis and to support immune health during sickness, but the vitamin I want to focus on talking about today are my Hyperbiotics. These support my body's ability for proper nutrient absorption, energy, and mental clarity. 

One of my goals this year has been to slowly wean off my PPD medication. Medication definitely served it's purpose and I am so grateful for it, but I was sensing that the time was approaching where I could get off of it. I started doing a lot of research about vitamins and supplements that I could add in to support my mood, patience, hormones and energy. This may come as a surprise to you, but in order to see positive changes in all of these areas, even the non-physical ones, I needed to go back to building up great gut health. 

Hyperbiotics actually has several different formulas designed to perfectly fit your needs. Nursing or pregnant mom? You want to be taking Pro-Mom to support a healthy growing baby. Reaghan takes the Pro-Kids and loves it! They are tiny chewable pearls that quickly melt in her mouth. I personally bounce between the Pro-15 (a great probiotic for anyone!) and the Pro-Women when I need some extra womanly support at certain times of the month ;)

The Pro-15 promotes daily relief from gas, bloating, and irregularity, while also re-populating your probiotic colonies. As you can see above, it's a super small pearl that is easy for me to swallow. They also carry an advanced formula of the Pro-15 which I look forward to taking to boost immunity during cold and flu season. 

I'm excited that Hyperbiotics can be found at Target, making it so easily assessable. It's just a good feeling to know I wont have to worry about running out or having to wait a long shipping time to get my probiotics. 

One of the reasons I love Hyperbiotics so much is because they use a patented manufacturing process called LiveBac® that enables them to guarantee the viability of their formulas for 18 months after the date of manufacture with zero refrigeration. This means I can throw them into my vitamin holder like the grandma I am and not worry about forgetting to take them daily! Yay!

And here's why I feel like their quality is superior to others out there: Hyperbiotics formulas benefits release over an 8-to-10-hour period and cause the probiotics to survive past stomach acids, which other probiotics cannot do. This means longer lasting and more concentrated benefits for my body, which I love. If my family is going to spend the money on supplements, I want to know they are the best. Visit to learn more about this amazing brand and #followyourgut to Target to pick up a bottle of your own. 


The gut has been called by some as the "second brain" and is known as the center of our health. It may seem bizarre to think that our emotions are tied to food and supplements, but they totally are! For instance, sugar is a huge culprit in negative mood swings, headaches, sluggishness or the feeling of "fogginess." I've seen that wheat can even have this kind of affect on me as well. For this reason, I've noticed that when I cut out all refined sugars and grains + limit my intake to a few carefully selected sweeteners, my mood is stable and my mind is clear from the fog!

I still struggle with the self control to say "no" when I could indulge in a little something that is processed. This is especially true at family gatherings. But as I learn more, small changes are taking place to plan ahead for those times. 

Here's an example of my breakfast as of late, and you can also check out this insta post to see a typical full day of food for me. 

How do you take care of your health and what are your top priorities? I'd love to hear!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Probiotics support many facets of overall health when taken regularly as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.