Natasha Red

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It's Launch Day! Pre-Order the New Seasonal Meal Planner!

Friends! After 9 long months of praying, listening to your needs, designing, re-designing (and re-designing some more!), writing and preparing.....we are here! It's launch day and I am so proud to introduce you to the new Seasonal Meal Planner. 

Have you ever heard where the idea for the Seasonal Meal Planner came from? 

I knew God was calling me to expand this blog into an online shop, but I had several ideas floating around in my mind. One afternoon as I was talking over these ideas with my mother-in-law (think another version of Sally Clarkson, she is so lovely, inspiring and wise), she pulled out an old recipe box filled with seasonally themed notecards.

Each notecard had been decorated by tiny hands (my husband and his two sisters when they were children) with clipping from magazines, stickers, etc. depicting that season's theme. On the opposite side of the card was the name of a meal such as potato and leek soup with sourdough bread. She had them all organized by season for easily going to her box and picking out a tried and true recipe to make for her family. 

She was a young mom, much like me, much like you - who needed a simple way to get nourishing meals on the table for her family. This idea stuck with me and met the needs I and others in my community were facing! How to cook healthy food with kids under foot?! How to keep all my meals organized so I don't waste food or spend too much money at the grocery store?! All while keeping it simple and delicious too :) 

The Seasonal Meal Planner meets these needs and so much more, and I can't wait to see how they change your life!