Natasha Red

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Princess Potty Party!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PottyTrainTogether #CollectiveBias

There are so many methods for potty training but we knew we wanted to take a relaxed approach. As Rae has grown, I've noticed that she gets anxious very easily. Any hint of pressure from me or daddy sends her into a tantrum, so I wanted to transition her as slowly as she needed when it came to potty training.

When I found out about the Pull-Ups® Cool & Learn® Training Pants and their Potty Training Partnership, I took their personality quiz right away. I was super impressed with all the resources based on Reaghan's individual personality. After taking the quiz, I learned Reaghan was a Puppy...and this could not be more accurate when I read all of the results!

The Potty Training Partnership has been such a great resource for me, since I needed some ideas that would work for her sensitive but excitable personality. If you want to find out your child's potty training personality you can do so here by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Reaghan uses Pull-Ups® that have Princess Sofia the First on the front. She calls them her "princess diapers." :) I ran with the princess theme and decided to do something special for her towards the end of our week of potty training. She was putting in a lot of hard work using the potty and deserved a fun party to celebrate! 

The look on her face when she got up from her nap and saw her party was priceless! After the party she got to choose panties to wear since she was a big girl! I highly recommend throwing your little girl a party like this, since she felt really rewarded and excited to be pampered for reaching such an important milestone. This fit right along with her "puppy" personality, being super motivated by treats!

If your daughter is apprehensive of new things and needs a little extra umph of encouragement, this would also be a great start to potty training, whether you want to go at it relaxed like we have, or do a 3-day method or something similar! I think as many ways as we can make the process fun and not scary for them, the better. 

Pull-Ups® are a great transition since they look like big girl underwear. Potty Training for us began a couple months ago with transitioning her out of diapers and into Pull-Ups®. This showed her that she was gradually taking steps to becoming a big girl. Since the Princess Sofia Pull-Ups® are the only training pants that become cool when wet, Rae started to understand how it felt when she had to go.This gave me an opportunity to talk with her about the feeling of needing to go, and let me know she was getting close to being ready to tell me before she had to go potty. 

Since she can easily pull them up or down, she has a lot more independence to try using the potty on her own. Before last week, we talked about it a lot and would encourage her to try every once in a while. They also open on the sides like traditional diapers which makes dirty diapers easy to change and throw away. 

As with the majority of our groceries these days, we get our Pull-Ups® at Walmart. They have the cheapest prices on diapers and a great selection. 

Throw your own Princess Potty Party!


1. Gather your supplies

We went to Walmart and grabbed a few party items like pink balloons, pink straws, and a princess headband (all found in the party section!). I then headed to the toddler clothing section and picked up a couple packs of panties, and across the aisle to the diapers section for our Pull-Ups®. 

2. Prep your party while she sleeps

This keeps it a special surprise! I wanted everything to be eye level with her so she could explore her party really well, so I set everything up on her toy shelf. I hung up her panties with string and mini cloths pins, and laid her snacks and headband out. 

3. Prep some snacks!

Since I'm not a fan of giving kids tons of sugar, I opted for some equally fun and pink themed treats. Strawberry "popsicles", organic tart cherry juice, and strawberry milk! (recipe below) 

Strawberry Milk Recipe

  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup or honey
  • 1 cup milk of choice
  1. Cut green leaves off strawberries. 
  2. Let your strawberries heat up in a small saucepan over medium low heat.
  3. Mash strawberries with a potato masher until the juices are all out. 
  4. Add maple syrup (or honey) and milk, stirring well. 
  5. Strain your mixture through a fine mesh sieve and let it cool before serving. 

4. Party! 

I thought through a few quick things I wanted to tell her to really hammer in the fact that this was such a big accomplishment in her life. Here are some of the things I made sure to communicate:

  • Mommy and Daddy (and anyone else special you can think of) are SO proud of you! 
  • You're a big girl now!
  • Big girls get to wear pretty panties. 
  • You've done such a good job keeping your pretty panties clean and dry!
  • You've done a great job putting your pee pee in the potty! Hooray! 
  • I love you so much and wanted to celebrate all that you've accomplished this week.
  • You're a big girl now and not a baby anymore! 

Other than that we just giggled and tossed balloons around. 

Even Everett wanted to get in on the fun! We had a blast playing with balloons for a few days after too ;) 

Since these packages are only $8.97, I think it would a super sweet idea to give one to a friend who will be potty training soon with a few balloons and note of encouragement. :)

Rae is now in panties during the day and Pull-Ups® during nap time and night, since they are so absorbent. We just told her it's all a part of the slow transition into becoming a grown up and she's completely understood. Next hurtle to tackle, night time training! :)

Use this coupon for $2 off 1 package of Pull-Ups (or GoodNites) at Walmart 8/28-10/8.

How did you celebrate your toddler when they began using the potty on their own?