Natasha Red

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Homemade Sauerkraut

I love me some sauerkraut. This may seem soooo odd to you if you have never had fermented foods, but if you've eaten pickles, you've had something similar! Pickling or fermenting veggies at home is so easy, and usually just takes some water and sea salt. In the case of sauerkraut, the salt releases water already found in the cabbage, so the ingredients are super simple!

I have been craving sauerkraut for weeks now and am so excited I finally have some in the pantry fermenting away. I put it on everything - eggs, salads, sandwiches, lettuce wraps, or as a side dish.

WHY should you consider eating fermented foods? Well, they are filled with naturally occurring probiotics, essential for a healthy gut. Your gut is the epicenter for the rest of your bodies health, so getting in probiotic, nutrient dense foods is super important! We still take a probiotic occasionally, but I love adding foods like sauerkraut and kombucha to our diet. You can buy great fermented sauerkraut at natural grocery stores, but at about $7 a jar, I prefer to make it at home for about $1!


  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt
  • large mason jar with air tight lid


With a large chef knife, remove the hard end of the cabbage. Finely chop the remainder of the cabbage and toss pieces into a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and let sit for about 10-15 minutes. Massage with your hands until all the cabbage has wilted and there is about 3/4 cup of water that has been created. You can really get a work out in here ;)

Fill a large mason jar and pack ALL the cabbage in there. Using a pestle (like from this tool) can really help packing it in tight. Make sure all the cabbage is submerged under water at the top. If the cabbage is not completely submerged, you run the risk of introducing bad bacteria into your ferment. If you pack the cabbage really well, you should have enough to cover it, but if you need to add a bit of water to top it off, go ahead.

Fermentation causes carbonation in the glass (which is why you want to attach the lid LOOSELY) so there will be some water bubbling over. Place the jar in a small bowl to catch any water that escapes. Let it sit in a cupboard for 1 month. 

Check on your sauerkraut at least once a week and scoop out any scum that has formed on the top. It's not a big deal if you see this!

After a month, transfer your sauerkraut to the refrigerator, where it will keep for up to 6 months!

Have you ever made fermented foods? Give this a try and let me know how it goes!