Natasha Red

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A Refresh

In January I shared my goals for 2015. This is the first year I've used Lara Casey's PowerSheets to help me make the things I want to happen in my life become a reality. They have helped me define the core of what I am about, what fires me up, what brings me life; and breaks those down into actionable steps.

After going through the refresh pages in my PowerSheets notebook, I really do feel refreshed. I feel settled into what God has called me to do, and I've learned a lot about myself. Taking the time to get honest with myself about what has and hasn't been working has set me free in a weird way. It's allowed me to become a lot more focused on rest and loving people. With a go-get-it personality like mine, I don't think I would have been able to sift through the mud of the daily grind to even think I had the time for that. The daily reminder that rest and relationships are my main priority helps me to lift my head above the cloud and pursue what matters even in the midst of a busy-ness. 

I've learned these last few months first hand what I always hoped was true: that margin and rest cultivate creativity and relationships. Productivity and accomplishments don't produce the stuff that really matters. Only true rest in God does. It's such a good feeling to finally be living my life in this reality on a consistent basis.

So, though these may not look a whole lot different than the goals I shared in January, they are more purposeful, and I wanted to share them! Here are my refreshed goals for 2015:

What about you? Did you set goals for your year, and if so are you going to spend some time refocusing them? I'd love to hear how you are growing in making what matters happen!