Natasha Red

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Goals With Grace // August

Hello August! I've got to admit, this month kind of snuck up on me. It's brutally hot here in Texas and vacations are over, so it feels like summer is dwindling to a close. I am excited about some new things ahead, like a new group of staff I'm coaching, more opportunities to write, new ministries in my church and some exciting things coming in September and October! I love the concept of goals with grace because although posting them here definitely adds a level of accountability for me, I also don't want to hold myself under the microscope. Let's look back at July... 

Finish Reaghan's alphabet letters // Check! They look super cute hung up on her wall. She's played with them a bit, but I'm really excited about using them to teach her the alphabet in a few more months. 

Road trip with an infant // Praise God, not only did we survive our trip, like I hoped we would, but Reaghan exceeded our expectations! She was practically a celebrity at every rest stop and we only had to stop once because of a crying spell. Check out my ten tips for road trips with little ones to read what worked for us!
Have more friends in our home // Sort of, but not as much as I would have liked. Don't worry, we're making up for it this month and I'm pumped about sharing a meal with some friends again. My heart is happy!
Finish reading "Glimpses of Grace" // No, and to be honest I think this one is going on hold for a while. I've got two books I really want to dig into and finish + some other reading online I want to dive into as Reaghan gets older and we start implementing some light discipline. Which leads me to my August goals. 

1. Finish reading "Nourished Baby" and "Will Write for Food" //

I realized after a couple months that I never actually finished the "Nourished Baby" e-book I was reading to help shape my plan for Reaghan's introduction to the world of "real" food. If you have a little one that is starting solids soon or one who has already started but you want more information on nourishing foods for them, I highly recommend this e-book! 
Y'all also know that I've started "Will Write for Food" and so far I'm loving it! It's brutally honest which I desperately need. This book is helping me focus in on the heart of what fires me up about food writing and sharing recipes. I'm already seeing the fruit from it and I can't wait to share in the coming months. 

2. Replace all our household cleaners with natural alternatives // 

I've become increasingly convinced that the products in our home are contributing to some of our ongoing health concerns. It's no wonder with the amount of scary chemicals found in these products that we breathe in and put on our skin. We are striving to eat as many whole foods as possible and I think the same should go for what we put on our bodies and in our homes. With Reaghan getting more curious and gaining mobility, I want to protect her by ridding our home of these toxins. 

3. Start Reaghan's 1st birthday party crafts // 

I can't believe I'm even typing this!! This year is seriously flying by. True to form, I already have Rae's party planned out. I hope to get started on these crafts this month so I can pace myself! Up first? A homemade teepee fort as our gift to her :)

4. Take more social media free weekends //
For the majority of last weekend I stepped away from social media. It was so refreshing to not be on my phone as much and just enjoy the life around me. I've also been convinced that my productivity would go way up if I just got off social media! I have a lot of dreams right now for the future, and I want to be focused on making them happen. 

What are your August goals?

Linked with The Tiny Twig's Goals With Grace

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