Natasha Red

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Reflections on 31 Days of Responding to Him

What has God taught me over the past 31(ish) days? 

On the surface it looks like a big hodge podge of life, doesn't it? Is this a food blog or a lifestyle blog? A mommy blog? As I look back I wonder where the cohesiveness was, and I'm sure to an outsider none of my posts made sense when you saw they were a part of a writing exercise entitled "31 Days of Responding to Him." I mean, responding to God and a diaper bag review? Believe it or not, every post I shared on this blog was an outpouring of my heart. That's what this project was about. To find my voice, my style, my interests. I haven't found all of those things quite yet, but I'm moving towards it and I am excited about how God will continue to use this little space to glorify Himself and inspire others.

Although at times it felt like I was spinning in different directions, it was fun to try out different topics and styles to see what fit me best. Although I adore being in the kitchen and feel the Lord is pressing me to move forward with some ideas for that creative area of my life, I see this blog being a place for more than just  talk of food or recipes. 

I want to feed people -- body AND soul. As the title of my blog explains, I'm a lover of those things ;) Feeding the body always comes with the opportunity to feed the soul, whether we take that opportunity or not. Sure, you could sit silently and eat your turkey sandwich. Or you could set the table with your best dishes and prepare something that will create a memory, maybe taking a step forward into sharing something vulnerable about yourself, and certainly feasting on a few stories and hopefully more laughs. 

Providing nourishment for one's deeper self comes in many forms. Sometimes it's spiritual admonition or a listening ear in times of trouble. It can also mean filling a life with laughter and joy. For me part of that is allowing women to find the beauty in the simple things in life. It's inspiring women to know that they are capable of creating beauty, especially when it comes from a mess. There are no mistakes in the kitchen. Just opportunities to stretch (mind, body and soul) and enjoy. 

Let's celebrate the joys in life. Let's talk about what's messy. Let's create things together that bring joy and simplicity. 

I want this blog to be a safe haven for women. I want it to be a place where you get to be refreshed and inspired, and I hope you leave here better than you were when you came in! 

To answer your question, this tiny space online will serve as a recipe collection with touches of my life sprinkled throughout. I will keep sharing little things I learn in motherhood (because I believe sharing every little bit helps, right mama's?), crafty things that I enjoy, what I'm up to, and different aspects of natural living. Part of that is because not only do I want you to come over to find a recipe, but I want you to be able to get to know the woman behind the food as well. Picture us sitting at my kitchen table, eating scones and gabbing about the happenings of life. Now bottle that up and put it online and you've arrived at the right place. For more, please visit my updated "About" tab at the top of this blog. 

I am working on creating a sidebar tab so you can locate recipes and topics a bit more easily. For now, utilize the search function on the right side of this blog to find any recipes or tips you may be looking for. You can also browse the rest of my 31 Days of Responding to Him at the top of my blog page. 

Blessed to share with you, and grateful you'd follow along this journey! Leave a comment and we'll continue the conversation some more. 

"Reflections on 31 Days of Responding to Him" 
is the conclusion to a blog relaunch series entitled "31 Days of Responding to Him" 
Read the rest of the story here