Natasha Red

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Friday Faves

1. I’m seriously obsessed with this new blueberry peach galette recipe. It’s perfectly sweet with just the right amount of tart. No joke, the inspiration for this recipe came to me while standing in line at Office Max. Thrilling stuff. My husband and I ate it for dessert, then ate it the next morning for breakfast. Have you tried it yet?

2. There are no words. Except that I died laughing…then promptly came back to life to show my husband and all my pregnant friends. This girl's youtube channel is h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. Not that I've watched all her mommy parody's or anything.... 

3.  Crystal and Titus come home from East Asia!!!!!!!!  You guys, my sister and brother-in-law have lived overseas for TWO YEARS serving university students with Cru. We are over the moon excited they will be moving back to Dallas this weekend. Let the Reaghan snuggles begin. 

4. We are also spending the weekend attending a marriage conference at our church. Hence, packing madness. Babies just come with a lot of....stuff. And magically all of it is absolutely necessary. Why is this kids suitcase bigger than mine?! Diva, I tell you, diva. 

5. I woke up Thursday morning craving muffins, and found this Paleo-friendly recipe on Pinterest. I love that they had several versions of the recipe you could try, including pumpkin and banana. We made the apple spice version and subbed 1/4 cup of raw honey for the stevia powder which we don't have. They were so moist, and the closest to "real" muffins I've had so far since cutting out  refined  flour and sugar from our diet. I was very surprised at how fluffy and not-coconut-flour-ish they were. Give them a try! I'm sure they would be just as good even if you used regular flour. 

Linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth Blog today. What are your friday faves?

Friday Faves is part of a blog 
relaunch series entitled "31 Days of  Responding to Him" 
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